
Contract & Warehousing

Unique solutions - for your needs

Create your own custom set of services covering all your business needs.

As a contract logistics provider, Logisticenter OÜ team handles activities like planning and creating supply chains for companies, covering layouts, warehousing, distributing and transporting goods. With our team’s deep knowledge of various industries, we can provide efficient and customised management for your company logistics needs. Our staff blends various transport solutions to create fully adjustable service packages and cover all our client’s needs.

Explicit service for your growing needs.

You have a fast-growing business and need to transport your product worldwide. Building your own logistics department can be very costly, you need to invest in new people, education, office space etc. The solution is outsourcing your logistics to people who can deal with that task cost-effectively. Cargo management in the 21st century is an important key factor leading to your company overall success and profit earning. Our team experience brings us a deep understanding of how different industries work, thus allowing us to build the most suitable supply chain solutions. 



As a provider of a full range service spectre, Logisticenter team also offers all kind of warehousing to store your cargo. We can offer you multiple warehouse solutions in Estonia, as well as in Europe. Frozen goods, or dry cargo, hazardous materials or you need grain storage – we can find the perfect place to deposit your stock!


Customs clearance

Cargo flow in European Union is easy without any customs regulations. However, when you are sending your shipment to the other side of the world, issues with the customs can come up. Cargo crossing three or four borders needs the right customs clearance. Procedures for that constantly change and arrive at the destination on time is problematic without the right people to do the paperwork. When working with the Logisticenter you can rely on our team of professionals and leave aside worries about border crossing.